An annual event of stalls, exhibitions and illustrated talks by designers, practitioners and professionals.
For information about the upcoming Green architecture day, -:- click here.
31 January 2004
09.30 – 17.30
Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton
Illustrated Talks
Overview of green architecture
Duncan Baker-Brown
A look at the issues that need to be addressed by design aiming towards achieving sustainability in the built environment.
Speaker: Duncan Baker-Brown is a chartered architect and lectures in sustainable design. The practice he co-founded in 1994, BBM Sustainable Design, pursues an ethos of environmentally benign design.
Current projects
Duncan Baker-Brown
Local projects in which BBM Sustainable Design is currently engaged, including the building of Duncan’s own house.
One Planet Living – BedZED and beyond
Pooran Desai, BioRegional
BedZED is an urban eco-village of 100 homes plus office and commercial space initiated by BioRegional and developed by the Peabody Trust. Pooran will describe the principles behind the project, what has been learned and projects planned for the future using One Planet Living principles. This includes a proposal for a scheme in Brighton.
Speaker: Pooran Desai is a co-founder of BioRegional, an environmental organisation working with business and industry to create the environmental products and services of the future. As well as working with eco-housing, Pooran has initiated projects in sustainable forestry and farming.
Earthship Brighton
Taus Larsen
Earthship Brighton, now nearing completion, is the first building of its type in England. These innovative structures are largely constructed from recycled materials including car tyres. Taus will look at Earthship design principles, lessons learned from the build and possibilities for the future of Earthships in the UK and Europe.
Speaker: Taus Larsen is an architecture diploma student. He is a member of the design team of the Brighton Earthship and is a director of Low Carbon Network. He has been involved in the construction of earthships in USA and Scotland.