Hannah Wilde
Course tutor
About Hannah:
Hannah completed her Permaculture design course in 2014 and has been involved with Brighton Permaculture Trust ever since. She completed her Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design and has been teaching on courses since 2017. Hannah worked managing Brighton Permaculture Trust’s Plot for several years. Hannah is a grower and is particularly interested in the therapeutic benefits of nature, food sovereignty, no-dig growing and the use of permaculture as a tool for social change. For the past 3 years, Hannah has been living in Tenerife on a land project and working remotely for Brighton Permaculture. She takes advantage of her trips back to the UK to teach on courses and is involved in teaching online.
Hannah teaches on the following courses:
Name your permaculture hero? Why them?
Nicole Vosper. I really value her political opinions and the way she uses permaculture to engage in conversations about things we don’t often hear about in the permaculture world. She brings politics into permaculture and I find it really inspiring.
Which permaculture principle do you have to remind yourself of the most?
Slow and small solutions. I am a ‘doer’ and can be very impatient. I have learnt a lot from forcing myself to go more slowly and think before I act!
Which permaculture principle is always popping up in unlikely places?
Use and value diversity. This principle seems so important given our current political landscape and I often think of it when considering wider societal and global problems. If only more value was placed on it.
Best example of permaculture in action?
The Plot!… obviously!! I am also very inspired by the work of ‘Gardens of Sanctuary‘ which is working to support growing spaces across the UK to become places of welcome and sanctuary to refugees and asylum seekers.