Mischa Hewitt
Sustainability consultant, tutor
About Mischa:
Mischa Hewitt is a Sustainability Consultant and Project Manager with a particular interest in affordable low energy buildings from natural materials. He has MSc Architecture: Advanced Energy & Environment Studies (Distinction) from the Centre of Alternative Technology. He is also a Passivhaus Designer, a commercial energy assessor, and has completed Brighton Permaculture Trust’s Permaculture Design Course.
Mischa is a director of Low Carbon Trust, where he project managed the award-winning Earthship Brighton project; a director of Earthwise, a Sussex-based Passivhaus design consultancy; and a trustee of AECB, the Sustainable Building Association. He has organised many environmental events, including the Eco Open Houses weekends in Brighton and several conferences. He is also the co-author of ‘Earthships in Europe’. In his spare time, he plays the piano and composes classical music. Last had some free time in 1999!
Mischa teaches on the following courses:
- Building with rammed earth and chalk
- Introduction to photovoltaics
- Permaculture design course
- Self-building an Earthship
- Self-building an Earthship in Europe virtual course
Low Carbon Trust
Earthships in Europe
Eco renovations at Green architecture day 2015
Watch an interview with Mischa about Earthship Brighton