Permaculture tutor -:- Chloe Anthony writes:
At the start of our -:- Introduction to Permaculture and -:- Permaculture Design Course, we ask what permaculture means to you. We love to hear how you have come across permaculture as well as your personal hopes and dreams.
Often, the decision to do a permaculture course comes at a turning point in life: people are leaving their jobs, going on journeys, or starting new projects.
-:- Permaculture offers a lot of solutions to the things we want to change about ourselves and the world.
Permaculture is about home gardening, community growing, nutrition, energy, building design, livelihood, organisations… In fact, it can be applied to anything!
This is because permaculture offers design tools to help realise your projects by working in harmony with nature.
Share what permaculture means to you on our Facebook page.
Read a statement from Andy Goldring from the Permaculture Association of Great Britain about permaculture and the Brexit vote.
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