Summary of role Fruit factory (Stanmer Park, Brighton) based Freelance, £14 per hour, 3 days per week Sat / Sun / Mon approx 7 hour shifts The main focus of the position is to learn and lead apple processing sessions including but not limited to apple pressing, bottling, pasteurising, labelling, cider making, vinegar making,…
More information ...An article from Volunteer Nadia Connor
Bewitching bumblebees and other pollinators by Nadia Connor Photo by Bryn Springtime means spring flowers, and spring flowers mean bumblebees. Primroses and pulmonaria; apple blossom and narcissus; wood anemone and winter aconite – all packed with nutritious pollen and nectar, perfect for raising a greedy brood of bumblebee larvae. From March, the queen emerges from…
More information ...Spam
Name: Spam
Position: Spam is involved with the community orchards and events, as well as being a top volunteer.
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