Brighton Permaculture Trust, with Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, has released a short video on YouTube: “How to plant a fruit tree really well.”
We help schools and communities plant orchards, and over the past ten years we’ve evolved a method for planting trees that, although it may seem quite elaborate, means that the trees get the best possible start.
In the video, you’ll see Stephan Gehrels and local schoolchildren demonstrate this method as they plant a fruit tree together.
The video can be viewed with subtitles in French or English. To view, go to YouTube and click on the Captions icon on the bottom right.
The video concludes with a handy review of the steps covered and the tools and equipment needed.
The inspiration for the video
“How to plant a fruit tree really well” was made as part of our transborder project, Orchards without Borders.
After researching the videos on fruit tree planting available online, it seemed there might well be interest in a video that shared our own unique method for planting fruit trees.
The video also offers a glimpse of how Brighton Permaculture Trust involves children in an active way in the planting.
We have been sharing our school orchard expertise with our French partner organisation CPIE Collines Normandes, who do lots of environmental and food-growing activities with people of all ages but had not previously been involved with orchards.
Together, we have planted small orchards in Sussex and Normandy with a mixture of local varieties from both areas using our planting method.
Learn more about planting fruit trees
For a more thorough grounding and hands-on practice in fruit tree planting, consider coming to one of our fruit tree planting workshops, which are held every winter.
Orchards without Borders was selected under the European Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) – England, co-funded by the ERDF