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More information ...Green Architecture Sessions
New date to be announced
Cutting-edge talks on green architecture brought to you by Brighton Permaculture Trust and Low Carbon Trust
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More information ...Growing apples organically in Normandy
La Blutellerie Organic Orchard Over the last eighteen months people from Sussex and Lower Normandy have exchanged orchard skills, knowledge and enthusiasm. On two of our trips, Orchard without Borders visited La Blutellerie, near La Ferté Macé, home to an organic orchard of dessert apples. This was of particular interest to those visitors who were…
More information ...Birding In Normandy
Guest post by Dora Clouttick Orchards without Borders, or Vergers sans Frontières in French, is a collaboration between Collines Normandes (CPIE), Brighton Permaculture Trust and Brighton & Hove Food Partnership. It is predominantly funded by INTERREG, an EU fund to promote collaboration between different regions within Europe, and its overall aim is to promote orchards as part of…
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