Article covering Normandy trip, from French newspaper l’Orne combattante Orchards without Borders was selected under the European Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) – England, co-funded by the ERDF
More information ...Visit to Normandy
Peter May reports on the Orchards Without Borders visit to Normandy in November 2013. The area of Lower Normandy near the town of Flers, where our visit was based, is gently undulating with small fields, hedgerows and woodlands with the occasional larger forest. Nearby the river Orne flows north towards Caen and the Channel. The…
More information ...Apple day exchange
Apple Day Exchange Article in Ouest-France, published Tuesday 17 September 2013 (translated) A delegation from Bocage will travel Saturday to an apple festival in Brighton, England, as the first step in a European exchange project. On Saturday, a delegation of five people – consisting of Évelyne Ramon from Collines Normandes CPIE, two representatives of the Bocage association Les Croqueurs…
More information ...Accommodation
Brighton Permaculture Trust is unable to provide overnight accommodation for people attending our courses. If you intend to book accommodation, please check availability before booking a place on one of our courses or events, as accommodation in Brighton can be hard to find, especially over the summer months. Please be advised that camping is banned…
More information ...Stella Peyerl
Event co-ordinator – Green Architecture Day
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